Strategic Initiatives

Theme A : Increase liveability to enhance quality of life
- Address housing affordability and diversity
- Continue to improve public safety and cleanliness
- Enhance welfare and care systems
- Diversify recreation, sports, arts and culture facilities

Theme B : Upgrade the economy to raise household incomes
- Advance readiness of local manufacturing industries for the digital age and the green economy
- Modernise and diversify sustainable agriculture
- Create a variety of quality tourism products across island and mainland
- Foster an ecosystem that nurtures creative industries and niche business services

Theme C : Empower people to strengthen civic participation
- Uplift vulnerable communities and reduce inequalities
- Boost participation of youth, women and seniors in community life
- Create more platforms for public involvement in social development
- Accelerate program delivery and institutional reform

Theme D : Invest in the built environment to improve resilience
- Balance development through effective spatial planning
- Strengthen mobility, connectivity and digital infrastructure
- Integrate municipal services with smart technologies
- Implement climate change adaptation plans